Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church uses PushPay to process online donations.
How does it work? Click the ONLINE GIVING button below and you will be directed to the parish’s online portal. You enter the amount you want to give, the fund you want to support (Church Offering, Building Fund, special collections, etc.) and the frequency of your gift.
Need Help?
Contact Jeanine Bartolo in the parish office –[email protected] or call 972-961-9375.
The following collections will always be available for donations:
Church Offering
Building Fund
St. Vincent de Paul
Organ Project
Special Collections and Novenas:
The special collections for the diocese, Holy Days, and novenas will be visible only during the month in which they occur. Therefore, you will need to check each month and enter any donations to these special causes. The bulletin will list which special collections are to be taken each month.