We invite all of you to share with our brothers in the sanctifying grace of God in Our Parish. Thanks to all of you who serve and wish to serve by forming in the formation of our faith.
Cursillo "Ultrella": Living together the commitment of Prayer in Community. We invite you to the group that gathers to continue living the commitment of what is experienced in the retreats, keeping prayer alive.
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm- Room #5
Legion of Mary: Knowing more about Our Mother Virgin Mary. We invite you to share the Grace in which Our Mother Mary gives us every day, praying the Holy Rosary, and meditation.
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Room # 7
Bible Study: Sharing Holy Scripture for men and women. Introduction of the Bible, sharing our faith, living Sacred Scripture.
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Room #4
Sacramental Baptism Formation. Formation for Parents who prepare to baptize their children, in our church. Sponsors are also required to attend. A beginning where the father of the family is the first to catechize our children since baptism. Registration is required.
Time: Online course. For To begin the process of formation for Infant Baptism please contact Julie Aldridge at [email protected] or 972-961-9374
Family Missionaries of Love Prayer Group: Invited families and individual men and women to share praises, prayer and meditation.
Time: 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm - Sanctuary.
We need your service as Minister
Holy Mass is the Greatest Sacrifice that we must attend, be and take part in The Holy Mass. At Holy Mass we prepare ourselves to live our daily lives with God's intention. God invites us to his home, sharing the Word and his Presence in the Eucharist. "God calls us and we respond."
Usherss : Welcome the Lord's house, organizing and seating families. Maintaining order during the celebration of Holy Mass. The ushers must have training and comply with Environmental Safety.
Ministers of The Word of God : Study and know the Word to be the proclamation of Holy Scripture during Holy Mass. We invite all youth and adults. Training is required to be a Minister, and they must comply with Environmental Safety.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion : Jesus comes to us and calls us to be the Body and Blood of Christ at Holy Mass, to bring Holy Communion to the sick and those who cannot approach the Church. We invite young and old. Training is required to serve, and they must comply with Environmental Safety.
Music Ministry: Language Spanish Mass
Our goal isassist in worship assembly sung.
Adults and children are welcome to join.
A little musical ability is appreciated but not required.
Adults must be clarified by Environmental Safety before they can participate.
Children must be accompanied by at least one of their parents.
For questions and rehearsal schedule, please contact Silvia Nuñez at [email protected]